Clayton and Bronwyn's Story:

Dealing with a New Reality.

Where They Started:

Life turned upside down

The Challenges They Faced:

Making the most of the settlement

Clayton and Bronwyn's world turned upside down after Clayton was in a road accident that left him unable to work in his previous job. Suddenly, they were faced with the reality of having to rebuild their lives on completely new terms.

With a TAC (Transport Accident Commission) settlement in front of them, they knew they had to make some big financial decisions to protect their family’s future—all while trying to cope with the emotional toll of Clayton’s injury and the uncertainty of what lay ahead.

Clayton and Bronwyn had never had a lot of funds to work with before, so this lump sum felt overwhelming and came with a lot of pressure to get it right.

They needed a plan that could adapt with their changing situation, helping them cover everyday bills while still keeping an eye on their bigger dreams—like saving for the kids' future, planning a trip to Canada, renovating the house, and making sure they were set up for retirement.

On top of that, there were so many unknowns: How long would this money really last? How should they set things up to protect their family if life threw them another curveball? And with Clayton's injury preventing him from returning to his previous job, what new path could he take?

They also wanted to make sure their investments reflected their values, with a focus on socially responsible options.

We focused on securing their future while handling the realities of today.

Given the unique rules around accident payouts that enabled them to convert the whole settlement into a tax free income stream through superannuation, we focused on making sure Clayton didn't lose more of his settlement to tax than absolutely necessary, while also taking into account their estate planning wishes, should something further happen to him.

We set up an appropriate account with investments that matched their values around responsible investing. For daily expenses, we created a tax-free income stream for Clayton so he could dive into his woodworking apprenticeship without worry.

We also made sure Bronwyn had solid Life and TPD insurance to protect their family and guided them through estate planning to ensure their kids would always be taken care of.

How We Helped

Balancing the present with long-term security

What Changed For Them:

Relief and security

What once felt like a heavy burden has turned into a sense of stability. Clayton and Bronwyn now have a strong financial foundation that supports their family and lets them move forward with confidence.

Clayton’s settlement isn’t just sitting in a bank account—it’s been strategically set up in super to create a tax-free income stream that Clayton can rely on for life. This structured setup ensures they have a steady flow of money to cover everyday costs, fund their home renovations, support their kids' education, and make those travel plans a reality—all while their super continues to grow quietly in the background.

Their investments now reflect their values, and they’re confident in their choices, weighing the pros and cons with a clear understanding of the options. And they have the peace of mind that comes with knowing their kids are protected with the right insurance in place, and their wishes are set in stone when it comes to their estate.

Most importantly, they can focus on what really matters: building a bright future for their kids, enjoying life’s moments, and moving ahead without the constant worry."

If you’re facing a big change or just need a plan that fits your new reality, reach out to White Rabbit Advisory. We're here to guide you through the unknown, helping you build a future that feels right for you.